Friday, April 26, 2013

US economy Trivial Pursuit. Trivia about something not so, well, trivial...

HT: The Big Picture Blog.

These very informative slides are courtesy of the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), a part of the Department of Labor.

They give an overview of various sectors of the economy.  My favorites are the ones on manufacturing.  One of the most misunderstood industries in the US.

Which one(s) is/are your favorites?

Cspan Slides Myths and Misperceptions


  1. Okay, Gene. But when I see something like this I want to ask: So, what then? We imagined the trade deficit? We imagined the continuing high unemployment? (Etc.) I don't doubt any of the stats in the presentation. But that can't be the whole story.

    I think the trouble arises because everything has an economic component, so the economy includes everything, and it is therefore easy for an analysis to lose focus. And then there is the question of establishing priorities. I think almost everything people say about the economy is true, even contradictory things that people say. The trick is to prioritize things. And the real trick is to prioritize things correctly.

    Thanks. I've been wanting to get that off my chest for a long time!

    1. Art--agreed. Wish they would have included one of your "debt per dollar" graphs! Or at least SOMEONES debt per dollar graph. Guess they dont have one at the BEA. :)


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