Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Another thing we don't learn in history class, but is interesting to know about...

See if you can identify who this famous historical figure is in this photo taken when they were about 7 years old...CLICK HERE FOR THE ANSWER....



  1. No, I wasn't even close. That's quite a picture!

  2. Art- I had to do a web search about this. I did not believe it and thought it was a doctored photo. I wonder if this was unique to the elite class in the northeast and not a general practice among the great unwashed. I learn something new every day. :)

  3. This article condemns the practice of dressing children in gender-specific clothing. Why? When children were dressed in more ambiguous styles, they grew up into well defined gender roles. Men were the "bread winners" while women stayed home and raised children. Now today, when girls and boys are wholly separated by the clothes they wear, they can grow up to be anything they want to be. A man could choose to be a homemaker while more women than ever work outside the home.

    Pink really has stopped being a taboo for teenage boys, although most mothers still won't dress their baby boys in pink.

    Has anyone thought that color coordinating our genders just makes it easier for both adults and children? It's hard to tell a baby boy from a baby girl. And sometimes older children can be quite offended if their gender is mistaken.

    At any rate, I quite enjoyed this article. I did certainly learn something new!


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