Tuesday, November 2, 2010

President Obama is a Keynesian! No birth certificate will convince me otherwise...

Interviewer asks people at the Stewart/Colbert rally if they thought Pres. Obama was "a Keynesian"...And these people think Tea Party people are stupid? (Note: I am NOT a Tea Party-er).  I just appreciate the  irony...People are obviously not aware of "Keynesian Economics", which the Pres. is most inclined to support.  They think the interviewer is questioning whether or not he is "Kenyan", you, know, from Kenya.  In case you need a primer on John Maynard Keynes and his ECONOMIC philosophy, click HERE
By the way, I believe the Pres was born in the old ol' USA (Yes, Hawaii was a part of the US at the time) and is as American as I am...Did I really just feel the need to defend myself?? Meh....

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