The US
trade deficit increased last month from the prior month. A trade deficit occurs when a nation's exports are
LESS THAN its imports. This means its Net Exports (N(x)) are negative. Look at the right-most tips of the lines on the graph below. The
BLUE line shows the US had a total trade (goods and services) deficit of roughly $52 Billion dollars just for the month of May. The import of crude oil (
BLACK Line) is roughly $32 Billion of the total trade deficit, or 62% (32/52=.615)!! The difference between these two lines is represented by the
RED line. What are we doing to minimize our dependency on this stuff? Rhetorical question--we all know the answer...
It is not because of a lack of effort on the export side of the equation (goods and services we make and sell to foreigners), as shown in the graph below. Our exports are recovering nicely (
RED line) and almost back to a historical high. As we recover, we are either consuming more oil overall (domestic production + Foriegn imports) OR we are producing less domestically, hence importing more. I am not sure which it is, to be honest....Any ideas???
No ideas. But Stuart Staniford over at Early Warning keeps a sharp eye on oil and energy.