Monday, February 28, 2011

What do we export? What do we import? Who are our biggest trading partners? So many questions...the answers are just a click away...

A couple of useful graphics on International trade. The first one is a brief look at our top goods that we exported and imported in 2010.  The elephant in the room is our import of oil.  The only good in double digits by a significant margin.

Source: WSJ

The second one shows the changes in trade patterns with major trading partners since 1990...The change in TOTAL trade (exports PLUS imports) with China has been remarkable in just 20 years.  However, the elephant in the room with this metric is the excess of imports over exports. 

Source: WSJ

1 comment:

  1. So I guess the United States Government is trying to mess with any other countries attempts to take over the world by giving them all the aircraft and parts to do so but consuming all the oil to work the planes. Just Kidding. Seriously though, I noticed that the United States is a large trade partner with Canada and Mexica which is in large part to NAFTA. Does the United States have a free trade policy with China?


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