Saturday, January 30, 2010

THANK YOU, Secretary Clinton!!!!

THANK YOU, Secretary Clinton for reminding us of one of the reasons we are in Afghanistan (even if it is not the primary reason).  The women (and young girls) of Afghanistan will suffer the most if we dont accomplish SOMETHING in the region...(Daily Kos)
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke briefly yesterday about the need for Afghan women and girls to be involved in the transition of security to the Afghan military. Clinton made these remarks at an international conference yesterday in London on the subject of Afghan security.
Clinton announced a Women's Action Plan that "includes initiatives focused on women's security, women's leadership in the public and private sector; women's access to judicial institutions, education, and health services; women's ability to take advantage of economic opportunities, especially in the agricultural sector." She described the program as "a comprehensive, forward-looking agenda that stands in stark contrast to al-Qaida's recently announced agenda for Afghanistan's women, attempting to send female suicide bombers to the West."

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