Wednesday, January 20, 2010

More Evidence: Where Americans are moving to in the US and WHY!!...

(HT: Carpe Diem)...Map showing where Americans are moving to in the last year.  United Van Lines publishes a yearly migration report. An accompanying artle in the Wall Street Journal makes an interesting point...
As for the biggest winner, well, our readers won't be surprised to learn that it was Washington, D.C. by a large margin. United Van Lines moved nearly seven families to the federal city last year for every three it moved out.
Why on earth are people, on net, moving TO Washington D.C in 2009?  When power is concentrated in one place, the special interests concentrate there too because that is where the money is---in economics we call that "rent-seeking". 
Also, it is noted that people perhaps are moving for a different reason...
 Six of the eight states with no income tax were magnets for families, while eight of the 10 highest income tax states had more people packing.
Taxes and the scale and scope of government matter to people and businesses alike.  How come policy makers on both sides of the political spectrum dont seem to get this?...just askin'...

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