Thursday, November 26, 2009

Children Age 12 Have To Use A Booster Seat While in a Car....

Well, sort of...Part of a chapter in the new book by Levitt and Dubner "SuperFreakonomics" is about child seats and how the data show that if a child is over 2 years of age their is no significant safety advantages of a car seat versus just wearing a regular seat belt (for Levitt's research, click HERE)...This is a link they provided to a BBC article reporting that in 2006 the British government passed a law requiring children up to 12 (yes, 12!!) years old, or UNDER  4' 5" to be in a booster seat...Can you imagine telling your 12 year old son/daughter/brother/sister to get into the booster seat?  Also, why the height requirement?  Why, if they are concerned about safety, does this not apply to adults who happen to be shorter than 4' 5"??  Seems excessive to me...What do you think?

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